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President's Report

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January 2023

Presidents Report ImageHappy New Year! I hope everyone had a Great Holiday Season! This year looks to be a very good year for ABATE of Arizona and the 8 Chapters in our state. There are several upcoming events that we are looking forward to.

First there is the opening day of the Arizona Legislature in January. It would be great to see as many motorcyclists as possible to be at the Capitol to let the new legislature know that we are involved and willing to make our voices heard. We have a new Governor so there may be big doings. We will let everyone know when we find out what is happening.

Motorcycle Day at the Dome is put on by the State Motorcycle rights organizations here in Arizona, ABATE of Arizona being one of them. We have not yet received an assigned date from the State as I am writing this. It is a day set aside for motorcyclists from all around the state to ride to the Capitol and set appointments to meet with their legislators and let them know the issues that are important to us and to get them to support us. All the SMROs are involved. ALL ABATE members are urged to attend and to contact their Representatives and Senators. If you cannot make it to the Capitol please be sure and call or email you Legislators that you wish them to meet with the motorcyclists who are in attendance.

Also coming up is the annual BIKERS INSIDE THE BELTWAY! This is put hosted by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation in May. Every year Motorcycle Freedom Fighters from all over the United States converge on Washington DC in May to walk the halls of Congress and meet with the Senators and Congressmen in order to further the legislation that is important to motorcyclists on a Federal level. This is an amazing event. As it gets closer more information will be coming out. Many of our membership are also members of the MRF which works on a National Level for us. I encourage ALL ABATE of Arizona members to join the MRF and support their work. Most of our ABATE Chapters are also MRF Sustaining Members and if your Chapter is not please ask your Chapter Officers why not and how your Chapter can become a Sustaining Member of the MRF.

This past November the State Officers and the Board of Directors hosted our Holiday/Christmas Party and Social. This was a great way to get our ABATE members from various Chapters to come together and socialize and just enjoy a little Holiday Happiness. I feel that this was a great success. We had a good turnout, and we are going to look into doing more of these types of events throughout the year. I feel it is important for members of the different Chapters around the state to get to know each other and to spend time together. It seems that the only time we get to do this is at Too Broke for Sturgis and most of us are way too busy working and putting on the event to enjoy each other’s company.

We are an all volunteer organization and as any such group we depend on our members to step up and fill officer positions and various chairman jobs etc. Without all the dedicate individuals who donate their time and talents, the great work we accomplish could not be done. So thank you to every member who has stepped up to fill an officer position in their chapter or who has volunteered to work a membership table at an event or made phone calls and sent emails etc. Without you we would cease to exist.

The strength of an organization like ABATE of Arizona is its membership. Without members we cannot accomplish the good work that we try and do. It takes many hands pulling on the rope to get the job done. I want to thank all of the members of ABATE of Arizona for being here and supporting the cause of motorcycle rights here in Arizona. If you think we are doing a good job please tell your friends and other riders you encounter what we do and who we are and encourage them to join. If for some reason you feel we are not doing what we should or you know an area we may want to look into please contact any of the State officers or any of your Chapter officers and pass the information on to us.

The ABATE Officers training will be held on Saturday January 7th, at the Arizona American Italian Club, 7509 N 12th Street, Phoenix, AZ. I want to invite all members to attend this training. If you are not an officer of your chapter but would like to learn more about the different positions and what they entail this is the perfect opportunity to do that. It is also a good idea for every chapter to have more than one person familiar with the duties of the various officers. We are all volunteers and we all have families and other responsibilities that take our time and attention. By having someone familiar with the duties, you can have someone to fill in if other responsibilities take an officer away for a time. The BOD will also have a meeting and everyone is invited to attend. I look forward to seeing you there.

Jim Butsback
State President
ABATE of Arizona

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