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President's Report

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September 2021

Presidents Report ImageHello everyone,

It's that time we need to start thinking on chapter officers to be voted in for the upcoming year.

Then we are trying to secure the day of November 14th for all chapters to come have food , fun , games and vote for State Officers.

So if you know a good canadate for a state officers position please nominate them, if you yourself would like to come join in at the state level please give Dee Grady your name so it can be placed on the ballots. I myself am planning on running for my same position . I know we need to get seats filled if we plan on keeping ABATE of Arizona alive still. So if you are as passionate as I am about keeping ABATE moving forward please consider running for a seat at the state officers table. New minds are always welcome there is so much that we as a family can do for ABATE, but it's takes everyone's help in doing this. Do you just belong to ABATE or are you a active member of ABATE? That is the question I challenge you to think about. These past few years have taught me so much and I only wish everyone could get the knowledge and experience I have had the opportunity to gain.

As soon as date is secured, I will contact each chapter with the date, time and place, November 14, 2021, is the day we are shooting for. It's a Sunday and we need all to participate in this voting. Also I would like each chapter to put a theme basket together to raffle off at the voting on November 14th. These will be door prizes. Need them at the office the day of the voting. Thank you for participating.

All chapters coordinator's please make sure you are getting your chapter reports in by the 10th of each month . This has been a challenge for some of you. It is the coordinator's responsibility to get them in and proof read them. I appreciate your cooperation in doing this.

Meeting of the Minds is coming up quickly. I'm hoping there are some chapters sending at least one person to attend this seminar.

Riot on the River is the first weekend in November. Please do not schedule any events this weekend; it is much appreciated by the ACMC. All tickets should have been sold please send your ticket stubs and money to me so I can get them all turned in.

Well that's it for this month things to remember:
1) November 14th
2) Money and ticket stubs for Riot on the river. (Thank you Yuma for getting them turned in).
3) Chapter Reports by coordinator, proof read by the 10th of each month and sent to Eric Hampton.
4) Put basket together for door prize during voting.
5) Get names turned in for members running for State Officers positions.
6) Get names in of members running for Chapter positions for the up coming year.

Shirley Bizub
"Moon Shine"
State President
ABATE of Arizona

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