October 2023

As advocates for motorcyclists' rights and safety, ABATE of
Arizona is gearing up for the 2024 legislative session. Our mission
is to preserve motorcyclists' freedoms, promote safe riding, and
improve the image of motorcycling to the general public. We
have identified several policy recommendations that align with
these goals, and we are ready to hit the ground running. Here's
what we'll be focusing on:
1. Motorcycle Awareness Campaigns: Lobby for increased funding for public awareness campaigns aimed at educating other drivers about sharing the road with motorcycles to increase safety.
2. Defensive Riding Programs: Push for state funding for defensive riding courses, which can provide motorcyclists with the skills they need to navigate the roads safely.
3. Road Design and Maintenance: Advocate for considerations for motorcyclists in road design and maintenance, including elimination of grooved pavement and other conditions hazardous to motorcycles.
4. Motorcycle Parking: Encourage municipalities to include
motorcycle-friendly parking in their city planning efforts.
5. Anti-Profiling Measures: Lobby for legislation that prevents
law enforcement from profiling individuals based solely on their
choice to ride a motorcycle.
6. E15 Fuel: Push for clearer labeling of E15 fuel, which can be harmful to motorcycles, or lobby for a ban on its use entirely.
7. Noise Ordinance Reforms: Work on reforming noise ordinances that unfairly target motorcyclists or establish motorcycle-specific regulations.
Mike InfanzonLegislative Director