East Valley Chapter Meetings
are held on the 3nd Sunday of the month at 10:00 AM at:
American Legion Post 138
1264 W University
Mesa, AZ 85201
Chapter Officers
Chapter Coordinator - Joe Silk
Vice Coordinator - Jason Montgomery
Sergeant at Arms - Damian Page
Secretary - Julie Reemelin
Treasurer - Cliff Prentice
Membership Officer - Joe Silk
Events Officer - Stacy Montgomery
PAC Officer - Rick Ferguson
Communications Officer - Joe Silk
Safety Officer - Matthew Reemelin
Merchandise Officer - Damian Page
BOD Representative - Rick Ferguson
ALL Bikes Welcome!
Sport Bikes are under-represented and need your participation.
If you ride on two or three wheels, then every Motorcyclist needs to join a State and a National Motorcycle rights Organization (MRO) regardless of the type of Motorcycle or Gear, AND regardless the type of club, organization or as an Independent Rider. In order to (1) protect the freedom of the road and fight discriminatory legislation, (2) promote Motorcycle Awareness and Rider Education, you need to become part of an MRO.
Chapter CoordinatorJoe Silk
Email Address: