Legislative Update
October 2020

As we are preparing for the election in
November and the new session in January,
workload is increasing. The voter guide is
published and uploaded to the ABATE state
website. Take a look and use it as a tool
when you are making your choices as to
who to vote for. It is just a tool, not the end all recommendation list.
Arizona Bike Week is coming this month.
This will be a great time to make a membership push for your chapters.
The General Election is November 3rd. Be
an informed voter. Vote like a motorcyclist.
Then we roll into the holiday season. A few
of us have plans to do some community
service and outreach starting with Veterans
Day all the way through the New Year.
Keep an eye out for opportunities to get
By the time this is published, Christopher
and I will be back from Meeting of the
Minds held in Indianapolis. Christopher was
awarded the Young Activist Scholarship
Award this year by the Motorcycle Riders
Foundation Awareness and Education. Only
two recipients from the entire country were recognized this year.
What is the Young Activist Scholarship
Fund?Biker “Freedom Fighting” activists have
recognized for some time that our membership and leaders are aging, and that there is
a need to encourage younger people to
become involved in motorcyclists’ rights. To
that end, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation
Awareness and Education (MRFA&E) has
created a scholarship fund to recognize
deserving candidates who are a minimum of
18 years old and not over 30 years of age
who otherwise may not be able to attend the
MRF’s Meeting of the Minds conference.
The MRFA&E has dedicated a limited
amount of seed money to the scholarship
fund to get things rolling. The MRFA&E is
looking for additional contributions from
individuals, national, state and local organizations and businesses that would like to
participate in the program. You can go to
mrfae.org to make a donation to the YAS
Since 2004, the MRFA&E Young Activist
Scholarship is a successful program to activate our youth into defending biker rights
for the future. The program started with the
MRFA&E donating $750.00 the first year to
get it rolling and generous donations from
MRF members. The first year the MRFA&E
could afford to send one candidate and the
second year this program doubled to two
winning candidates with larger donations.
Our third year we doubled the winning candidates to four. Individuals, National, State,
and Local Organizations and Businesses are
encouraged to continue their donations so
we can grow this program even more for the
future. Grants are being explored as a way to
fund this but it still is a ways down the pike.
Christopher is the second ABATE of
Arizona member to be awarded the accolade of Young Activist. The first was Charity Stuart in 2012. As we incorporate our
younger members to become more involved
in the fight for motorcycle rights, we must continue to develop the future leaders. With that said, we will be providing leadership training for those who would like it. 2021 will be a great year for ABATE of Arizona. Get off the bench and get involved.
Mike InfanzonLegislative Director