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Legislative Update

May 2021

Lobbyist Mike InfanzonThe 2021 Legislative Session is winding down. As of this writing, only a few more weeks left with mostly the budget to negotiate between both chambers. It has been a really strange session to put it mildly. With very little ability to interact with the legislators made for some very creative ways of fighting for freedom. We did get a few wins in this session. The biggest win is HB2115 MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FUND; CONTINUATION. This bill sponsored by Representative Shawnna Bolick (LD 20) and co-sponsored by Representative Walt Blackman (LD 6) made it through the House unanimously and through the Senate with only one dissenting vote during the final floor vote. Some have told me that was a great win but I feel disappointed I could not deliver it unanimously through both chambers. Here is a list of bills we worked on this session that have gone to the Governor or are close to being sent:


For the purpose of statute prohibiting driving a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the movement of traffic, "vehicle" is defined as a device in, on or by which a person or property is or may be transported on a public highway. "Vehicle" specifically includes electric bicycles, electric miniature scooters, electric standup scooters, devices moved by human power, personal delivery devices, and personal mobile cargo carrying devices. AS SIGNED BY GOVERNOR ARS Titles Affected: 28 First sponsor: Rep. Kavanagh (R - Dist 23)If a "monetary obligation" (defined) is imposed on a person at sentencing, the court is authorized to order the person to perform community restitution in lieu of the payment of the monetary obligation. The court is required to credit any community restitution performed at a rate equal to the state minimum wage. AS PASSED HOUSE. ARS Titles Affected: 28 First sponsor: Rep. Biasiucci (R - Dist 5) WAITING ON SENATE


The Department of Transportation is required to deposit $1 of each motorcycle registration fee collected in the Motorcycle Safety Fund through June 30, 2025, instead of through June 30, 2021. ARS Titles Affected: 28 First sponsor: Rep. Bolick (R - Dist 20) SENT TO THE GOVERNOR


A third party driver license provider is authorized to perform administrative and testing functions for the issuance and renewal of commercial driver licenses as authorized by the Department of Transportation and pursuant to federal law, instead of being prohibited from processing commercial driver licenses. Emergency clause. AS SIGNED BY GOVERNOR ARS Titles Affected: 28 First sponsor: Rep. Carroll (R - Dist 22)


A person who violates the requirement to move over to slow down when approaching a stationary vehicle displaying flashing lights or warning lights is subject to a civil penalty of $275 for a first violation, $500 for a second violation, and $1,000 for a third or subsequent violation, and is liable for any injury and any property damage that results from the violation. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is required to educate the public about the requirement to move over or slow down periodically throughout the year and maintain information about the requirement on the ADOT website. AS PASSED HOUSE. ARS Titles Affected: 28 First sponsor: Rep. Payne (R - Dist 21) WAITING ON SENATE FLOOR VOTE


Establishes a new chapter in Title 28 (Transportation) regulating autonomous vehicles. Except as otherwise provided, the operation of autonomous vehicles with or without a human driver is subject to all applicable federal and state laws. A person is allowed to operate an autonomous vehicle with the automated driving system engaged on public roads in Arizona with a licensed human driver who is able to resume part or all of the dynamic driving task or respond to a request to intervene. A fully autonomous vehicle is authorized to operate on public roads without a human driver only if a person submits both a law enforcement interaction plan to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and the Department of Public Safety (DPS) that is consistent with and addresses all of the elements in the law enforcement protocol that was issued by DPS in 2018, and a written statement to ADOT acknowledging that a list of specified requirements for the equipment and functioning of the fully autonomous vehicle are met. When engaged, the automated driving system is considered the driver or operator of the autonomous vehicle for the purpose of assessing compliance with applicable traffic or motor vehicle laws. DPS is required to maintain a law enforcement protocol for fully autonomous vehicles, and provisions that must be included in the protocol are specified. Counties and municipalities are prohibited from imposing taxes and fees on automated driving systems or autonomous vehicles. A traffic or motor vehicle law cannot prohibit the operation of an autonomous vehicle or require a human driver to operate a fully autonomous vehicle with the automated driving system engaged, if the fully autonomous vehicle is operated in compliance with this legislation. Establishes requirements for a fully autonomous vehicle operating without a human driver that is involved in an accident resulting in damage to a vehicle, or injury or death. The parent or other adult accompanying a passenger under 16 years of age may be issued a citation for a violation of seatbelt or child restraint requirements that occurs in a fully autonomous vehicle operating with the automated driving system engaged. Fully autonomous vehicles that are incapable of operation by a human driver are exempt from various vehicle equipment requirements. More. AS SIGNED BY GOVERNOR ARS Titles Affected: 28 First sponsor: Rep. Weninger (R - Dist 17)

The California Emissions Bill was killed for the third year in a row.

Thank you to all who helped during Motorcycle Day at the Dome. Look inside for photos.

I will be sending out the 2022 Legislative Survey by May 1st. Hopefully we can collect all the responses by Too Broke for Sturgis and make the announcement of the 2022 Legislative Agenda up there.

Now that the Governor has lifted the mask mandates around the state, let’s start working on some town halls and meet your legislator events for the chapters. Call me and I will help you get it done.

Be good to one another.

Mike Infanzon
Legislative Director

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