As of publication date, crossover week will just be
wrapping up. That is when bills from one chamber
“crossover” and start the process in the other chamber.
There have been some good bills introduced and some really bad ones also. One bill you’ve probably heard that was introduced was
SB1412 MOTORCYCLE LANE SPLITTING REPEAL. Not to worry, Will Cleveland and I were on top of it immediately. The Senator who introduced the bill let me know that the bill was not her intent when she spoke to Legislative Council to write the language. The bill was withdrawn and we are good.
Here is a little taste of the 100 plus bills we are tracking for ABATE.
TAX; PROHIBITIONS (Hoffman) This state, counties, municipalities, and political subdivisions are prohibited from establishing vehicle miles of
travel reduction goals or targets in developing any transportation or land use planning or selecting transportation
or transit projects. This state, counties, municipalities,
and political subdivisions are prohibited from tracking or
maintaining a record of a person's vehicle miles of
travel. This state, counties, municipalities, and political
subdivisions are prohibited from imposing or collecting
any mileage fee or tax, a per-mile charge, fee or tax or
any tax or fee based on vehicle miles traveled by an individual in a motor vehicle.
(Carroll) The maximum unladen weight of an all-terrain vehicle is increased to 3,500 pounds, from 2,500 pounds.
SB1340 TOLL ROADS; CONVERSION; PROHIBITION (Mendez) A county board of supervisors is prohibited from granting an application for a toll road that will be converted from a publicly funded or maintained street or highway. The Arizona Department of Transportation is prohibited from entering into an agreement that allows the conversion of
an existing publicly funded or maintained street or highway to a toll road.
(Kerr) Heard in committee for discussion only Establishes the Off-Highway Vehicle Law Enforcement Safety Fund (OHVLES Fund), to be administered by the State Treasurer and distributed in specified percentages to each of the county sheriff's offices. Of the user fees collected from off-highway vehicle use indicia, 30 percent must be deposited in the OHVLES Fund, instead of in the Arizona Highway User Revenue Fund.
(Gress) HELD Increases the penalty for causing serious physical injury or death by a moving traffic violation if the violation results in death to a
pedestrian, motorcycle operator, or bicyclist to at least one year suspension of the person's driving privilege, instead of 180 days to one year, for a first violation, and to at
least 18 months' suspension of the person's driving privilege, instead of one year, for a second violation. Increases the criminal classification for causing serious physical injury
or death by a moving traffic violation if the violation results in serious physical injury to a pedestrian , motorcycle operator, or bicyclist, to a class 6 (lowest) felony, instead of a
class 1 (highest) misdemeanor, subject to a fine of at least $1,500 and at least 30 days of house arrest. Increases the criminal classification for causing serious physical injury or
death by a moving traffic violation if the violation results in the death of a pedestrian, motorcycle operator, or bicyclist, to a class 5 (second-lowest) felony, instead of a class 1 (highest) misdemeanor, subject to a fine of
at least $5,000 and at least 180 days of
house arrest.
(Sun) DEADSB1444 ZERO EMISSION VEHI- CLES; PLANS (Sundareshan) DEADIf approved by the voters at a countywide election, a county with a population of 3 million or more persons (Maricopa) is required to levy a tax of up to ten percent of the transaction privilege tax rate as of January 1, 1990. The tax levied will be in effect for 20 years. Specifies the distribution of net revenues from the tax levy, with 37.4 percent of revenues distributed to the Regional Area Road Fund for free- ways and other routes in the state
highway system, 22.2 percent of rev- enues distributed to the Regional Area
Road Fund for major arterial streets, and 40.4 percent to the Public
Transportation Fund for capital costs
and utility relocation costs associated
with light rail and other public trans- portation. No more than 14 percent of
revenues collected annualy may be
spent on light rail systems. Beginning
January 1, 2026, a regional public transportation authority is established
in a county with a population of 3 mil- lion or more persons that approves a
county transportation excise tax. Severability clause.In coordination with the Arizona
Department of Environmental Quality
and the Arizona Department of
Administration, the Arizona
Department of Transportation (ADOT)
is required to develop a "zero emission
vehicle" (defined) plan designed to
increase the number of registered zero
emission vehicles in this state, help
establish interstate and intrastate zero emission vehicle corridors, and coordi- nate and increase the installation of
zero emission vehicle infrastructure. Within six months after the effective
date of this legislation, ADOT is
required to submit a draft of the zero
emission vehicle plan to the Governor
and the Legislature.
Mike InfanzonLegislative Director