Local politics often get overshadowed by national
and international events, but they are just as important, if not more so. Following local politics can
have a significant impact on your day-to-day life
and the community you live in. In this article, we
will explore why it is essential to follow local politics and how it can benefit you.
Influence on Daily Life
Local politics has a direct influence on our daily
lives, from the quality of the roads we drive on to
the safety of the neighborhoods we live in. Local
politicians make decisions that affect the local
economy, education, public safety, and social programs. For instance, they decide on issues such as
garbage collection, zoning laws, and the allocation
of funds to the local schools. By keeping up with
local politics, you can have a say in the decisions
that affect you and your community
Access to Decision-makers
Local politicians are often more accessible than their
national counterparts. They attend local events, hold town
halls, and are more responsive to emails and phone calls.
If you have concerns or want to voice your opinion, it is
easier to do so at a local level. Engaging with local politicians can lead to a more responsive and accountable government.
Opportunities for Civic Engagement
Engaging with local politics is a great way to get
involved in your community. Local politicians rely on the
support of the community to get elected and stay in
office. By attending town hall meetings, volunteering for
campaigns, and voting in local elections, you can make a
difference in your community. Local politics provides
opportunities for citizens to engage and take an active
role in shaping their community.
Promotes Accountability
Local politicians are accountable to their constituents. By
following local politics, citizens can hold politicians
accountable for their decisions and actions. If you are not
satisfied with a politician's performance, you can voice
your concerns and vote them out of office. Local politics
provides a platform for citizens to promote accountability
and transparency in government.
Provides a Training Ground
Local politics provides a training ground for aspiring
politicians. Many national politicians started their careers
in local politics. By getting involved in local politics,
individuals can gain experience, build a network, and
develop skills that are transferable to national politics.
Local politics provides a stepping stone for those who
aspire to make a difference on a larger scale.
Mike InfanzonLegislative Director