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Legislative Update

June 2021

Lobbyist Mike InfanzonI’ve been doing a lot of contemplating lately on the state of the nation lately. Well, more than usual anyway. Now we know that it’s been said that only 3% of the colonists were active in the fight for our freedom during the American Revolution. That number has been disproven, but you get the picture.

I want to share a few thoughts with you all this month, especially since June 14th is Flag Day. Every meeting we have, the Pledge of allegiance is said. Is it something you mean or are you just going through the motions?

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The pledge is an expression of allegiance to the flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America. It is supposed to let us know who is on our side.

I came across this quote recently, and for me it fits in with our pledge of allegiance.

“It takes guts to speak up against unfairness when others stay quiet. Good allies don’t hide in the shadows. They show up and support through their actions. Stepping up once isn’t enough. Allyship is a journey, not a one-time destination.” Chester Elton

There is a lot of talk in certain circles about loyalty to our country, patriotism, brotherhood, etc. Allyship is a journey, not a one-time destination. And remember that it’s not about your feelings or your personal agenda. It’s all about standing up for our Republic INDIVISABLE with liberty and justice FOR ALL! To me, that is what ABATE stands for. FOR ALL. Cruiser riders, sport bike riders, dirt bike riders, mopeds and scooters too.

I’d like to see 3% of the motorcyclists in Arizona as members of ABATE. I’d like to see 3% of the motorcyclists join us on our journey to fight for liberty and justice for all.

Will you show up and support and be a part of a team of good allies?

Be good to one another.

Mike Infanzon
Legislative Director

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