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Legislative Update

July 2020

Lobbyist Mike InfanzonThe Arizona Legislature has adjourned Sine Die 54th Legislature – Second Regular Session. This means that the current legislative session is done and all the bills we were working on are dead.

We have already begun planning for next session. I have sent out a link for the legislative agenda survey. We will close the survey on July 1 in order to get as many responding to it as possible. Please encourage all ABATE members to complete the survey. This will allow us to know what the membership want to get done legislatively.

Here is the link to the survey: https://us15.list-manage.com/survey?u=fe18f566660d31574b17318 df&id=344df34105 

We did have a good year for Motorcycle Safety and Awareness month proclamations in spite of the COVID-19 shutdown. We were able to secure 24 cities and towns to proclaim May as motorcycle safety and awareness month. We also added Yavapai County this year. Our ultimate goal is have all 190 cities and towns and all 15 counties to do this.

We were actively engaged in a tremendous amount of bills this session.

On a federal level, we were unable to lobby on the Hill this year. I have been in contact with our Congressional delegation and staff. I have been able to meet with a few staff members in person and over the phone pertaining to some of the legislative items we are supporting.

We have also begun planning for Motorcycle Day at the Dome 2021. We should have a budget and task list completed by July 1st in case anyone is interested in helping plan for 2021. For 2020 we were able to reduce costs for the event by close to $1000 overall while still increasing attendance from 3 or 4 years ago.

The 2020 election cycle will be in high gear this summer. Our Legislative Scorecard will be published by July 1 also. Just in time for the primary’s early ballots.

Ride Free.

Mike Infanzon
Legislative Director

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