January 2023

2023 – Fifty-sixth Legislature – 1st
Regular Session. Every session brings new obstacles and challenges, and the upcoming session will be no different. With so many new legislators this session, the “getting to know you” learning curve will take a while. I am glad we have been attending events throughout the election cycle to get to know most of the new freshman legislators.
With the new year, new legislature, new blah blah blah… I wanted to share a
few goals I have for the 2023 session.
Obviously getting our legislative agenda
passed into law. Some of those close to me find it funny how I try to get bills passed unanimously. That’s my ultimate goal.
Have all of our members be signed up for
email legislative alerts and registered for the RTS system.
Increase the membership of ABATE to 1%
of the motorcycle riders in Arizona. That would be approx. 3500 members total.
See! Three goals. I could use your help on all three of these. Be involved with your chapters. Talk to your chapter PAC and membership folks. If your chapter doesn’t have that role filled, think about stepping up and filling the role yourself.
PAC officer training at the State Officer training will cover these three areas in detail. Even if you aren’t a chapter officer, I’d encourage you to show up.
Mike InfanzonLegislative Director