January 2022

COVID-19, vaccines, variants;
the return from remote work and
schooling (or not); the Great
Resignation. 2021 has been no
less remarkable than last, but
what might 2022 hold? Rather
than trying to look into a crystal
ball and predict what will happen, we should just prepare for
whatever the year throws at us.
As Sun Tzu said, "Victorious
warriors win first and then go to
war, while defeated warriors go
to war first and then seek to
ABATE is the legislative watchdog for the motorcycle community in Arizona. I have always
felt it was our responsibility as
an organization to not only fight
for motorcyclists’ rights and
freedoms but to build a organization of warriors for freedom.
Step one is the annual officer
training and recruiting others to
be involved in the fight for freedom.
There are a few things I wanted
to share with our membership.
Motorcycle Lobby Day will be
held on January 18th. This is a
day to meet with your state legislators and share the motorcycle
legislative agenda with them.
2022 is an election year. One of
the line items in the Legislative
budget is state funds to help chapters host town hall events. If you
have any questions, feel free to
contact myself or Will Cleveland,
your state PAC officer.
We have a lot to do this session.
Watch for legislative updates and
calls to action throughout the session.
I am planning to hit all the chapters meetings at least a few times
throughout the year. So, I will see
you all face to face soon.
Mike InfanzonLegislative Director