I spent a few days with the House Judiciary impeachment debates in the background while I got some work done in the office. The chasm grows further and further apart in our nation. I really hate to see our nation going at each other’s throats. This isn’t something
new. It’s been happening for many years. So many have attempted to divide us as a people. Will you let them?
THE GREAT DIVIDEI pulled up Webster’s definition of the great divide. It is “a significant point of division.” A SIGNIFICANT point of division. This goes much deeper than just a Harley/sport bike divide. Even deeper than a Diamondbacks/Dodgers divide. This type of division signifies the demise and complete expiration of an organization, country and people. Many religions claim to know what happens after we cross the great divide. So, I
am taking that approach when someone asks me what I think will happen in our future... only God knows.
UNITED IN PURPOSEABATE … A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments. Yes, I know we are aimed towards education but that’s what ABATE started as. United for a purpose to stop totalitarian enactments against motorcyclists. It wasn’t all about helmet laws, although that was a prominent thing at the time. It was about the ability to modify your motorcycle the way you wanted. Close to 50 years later and we are still fighting the same fights. The enemies of freedom will never stop trying to limit our freedoms. We need to remain united as one voice in our purpose. ALL BIKES. ALL RIDERS.
We must be involving like minded people or groups and work together to achieve our purpose. Do you know what the goal of ABATE of Arizona is? This is right out of our Polies and Procedures (p.3):
ABATE of Arizona Inc. is a political organization whose goals are to maintain the rights and freedoms of motorcyclists in the state, regardless of brand, size, color, etc. It is our duty to keep the membership informed of all political actions which may affect them, their
freedoms, or their needs.
Can we stay united in that purpose? The
Greek word “koinonia” means being in agreement with one another, being united in purpose and serving alongside one another. Malcom X was quoted as saying, “You get your freedom by not being confined. You get freedom by letting your enemy know that you’ll do anything to get your freedom.”
BUILDING THE BRIDGE AND STANDING IN THE GAPWhat does it mean to you when you hear
“build bridges”? For me, it is to improve relationships between people who are different. Our world is changing. The relationship between humans are changing. Or that’s what the “experts” sure seem to believe. Everyday,
some new article hypes on one thing or another on how to improve relationships between
people. I read these on one hand and then on
the other I rea how divided our country is getting and how much worse it is becoming. And
then we have the news stories of communities
coming together. So, where does this all fall?
So many are trying to build bridges between
people, so many are standing in the gap for
I’m telling you folks; we are at a tipping point for freedom. Either we all come together, united in purpose and stand to fill that gap… I don’t know what is going to happen.
Be Good to One Another.
Mike InfanzonLegislative Director