As the new legislative session begins, legislators from around the state are headed to Phoenix to get to work. If you’re a freedom loving activist living, chances are you have several goals, from getting good policy passed to stopping bad policy from seeing the light of day.
But you’re not the only one with an agenda—big-government supporters and paid lobbyists will be hard at work pushing policies that restrict freedom and make it harder for families to get by. Don’t worry, though. With the right tactics, you and your community members can take on the opposition effectively.
Know the bill numbersThe quickest way to build credibility is to use the bill number when talking to lawmakers and aides about legislation. First, it helps them know exactly what bill you’re advocating or opposing. Lawmakers deal with hundreds of similar bills every session, so it’s important to make sure you’re clear. Second, it shows you’ve done your research and have been following the process. You can usually find the bill information on your state legislature’s website. (Azleg.gov)
Get used to the walk-and-talkThe legislature moves fast, especially in states with short sessions like Arizona. Your lawmaker will likely have a busy, rapidly changing schedule. Even if you get a meeting scheduled, the lawmaker might get called away at the last minute and not be able to attend. Relax, you can always “walk and talk”.
If you want to talk to lawmakers, the best option might be to catch them between meetings and walk with them to their next appointment. Even if you get only five minutes, they’ll be a captive audience. This approach works best if you’ve already developed a relationship with the lawmakers and their staffs.
Stay professionalRaising your voice, making insulting or
insensitive comments on a lawmakers’
social media pages, using offensive terms-these are all ways to ensure legislators won’t take you seriously. Stay calm, professional, and confident when talking with lawmakers and aides. You’ll get a lot farther.
To learn more about influencing legislators, get with your chapter PAC officer and schedule for Will Cleveland, Arizona State PAC officer or myself to come to your chapter to teach you a little more in-depth.
Mike InfanzonLegislative Director