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Legislative Update

February 2021

Lobbyist Mike InfanzonLet the games begin!

The Arizona 55th Legislature First Regular Session has officially begun! There is so much to do this session since last session was cut short by the COVID shutdown. A few months ago, I shared the legislative goals and agenda for our organization that was based upon membership’s responses to the Legislative Issue Survey.

Here is how it turned into actual bills:

LANE FILTERING: Only to be permitted on surface streets and when traffic is at a stop. Purpose is to reduce rear end collisions.

CAUSING SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY BY USE OF A VEHICLE (KONG’S LAW): Changing applicatory factors from all to ANY. UNENDORSED RIDERS; PENALTIES: Adds an additional $250 fine if riding a motorcycle without an endorsement which would be deposited into the Motorcycle Safety Fund account.

MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS QUESTIONS ON A CLASS D DRIVERS EXAM: Adding the requirement to have a certain number of motorcycle awareness questions on a Class D drivers’ exam.

MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS; TRAFFIC SCHOOLS CURRICULUM: Adding a motorcycle awareness module in the required curriculum in state approved traffic schools.

FUEL TAX USAGE FOR ROAD REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS ONLY: Would make a percentage of the state fuel tax to be designate and not able to be swept to be used for intended purpose of road repairs and improvements. Having a sunset clause is acceptable.

TORT REFORM: Contributory negligence changes when no statute or ordinance was violated.

I am sure that all of these bills will NOT be introduced during this session, but now you know what we will be working towards.

I also want to let the membership know that Will Cleveland, PAC Officer for our Southern Arizona chapter, has stepped up to not only be an authorized lobbyist for ABATE but also as the State PAC officer. Will has been doing the job for awhile now and we made if official. Will’s focus is going to be on the local municipal level in the Tucson area. So make sure you welcome him aboard the next time you see him.

Your lobbyists are working hard for you on the Federal level also. I’ve been preparing for the new Congress by taking meetings with Congressional staffers to prepare to get our agenda through on the Hill. Hopefully Will and I will be able to make it to DC this year for Bikers inside the Beltway again.

Make sure you join the MRF to keep supporting our DC lobbying efforts. Here are the Federal legislative priorities:

Profiling: Continue pursuit of the House anti-profiling resolution mirroring the Senate version that passed unanimously. Build momentum for inclusion of anti-profiling language in other legislation.

Renewable Fuels: Advocate for targeted changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).

Autonomous Vehicles: Advocate and monitor any legislation or regulations related to motorcycles concerning connected and autonomous vehicles.

Emission Regulations: Engage the EPA & Congress on any activity related to motorcycle emission regulations.

Definition of a Motorcycle: : Educate policymakers and advocate for change to current definition, that better reflects the current two and three-wheel motorcycle landscape.

Crash Avoidance: Continue to promote the theme of crash avoidance versus safer crashing urging NHTSA and the DOT to focus on crash prevention and rider education.

Helmet Laws: Oppose any mandatory federal helmet, apparel or conspicuity standards.

Black Box: Pursue legislative language that any collected or available vehicle data is the property of the consumer and in which the consumer has the choice to opt-out of having their personal data communicated to interested parties.

Surface Transportation Reauthorization (Highway Bill): Advocate and pursue legislative efforts that impact motorcyclists in the Highway Bill, now set to expire in 2021.

ABATE of Arizona is the ONLY State Motorcycle Rights Organization advocating for motorcyclists all the way from our nation’s Capital to your City Council and everywhere in between.

Be good to one another!

Mike Infanzon
Legislative Director

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