December 2022

As of this writing, we still do not have
final election results in. I love how so
many have asked for my prediction on
a few races. So, I will make a bold
prediction for the Arizona Governor’s
race. We will have a female governor
whose name starts with a “K”.
I do know we have a few motorcycle
friendly legislators who were either
elected or re-elected.
So we have that going for us.
I have completed the writing of the language for our 2023 bills. Let’s see if we can get a few across the finish line this session!
Kong’s Law – making it a class 1 misdemeanor when a person is cited for a moving violation in a crash involving the serious injury/death of a motorcyclist, bicyclist or pedestrian.
Failure to Yield – making this a moving
Vehicle Load covering – making it a law to
cover any load on ANY Arizona roadway.
Autonomous Vehicles – AV manufacturers
must share their safety data pertaining to motorcycles.
Ethanol – no sale of gasoline that contains
greater than 10% ethanol.
I may add a couple more policy changes to the list, but that will depend on who is our Governor and the final make-up of the State Legislature. So we will see what we can get accomplished.
Plan for Motorcycle Day at the
Dome for February. We don’t have confirmation yet, but we are hopeful.
Mike InfanzonLegislative Director