The legislature FINALLY passed a state budget and Sine Die for the year. We had a successful session and we are working on the agenda for next session. We will publish the Legislative Session scorecard before August 1st. Look for it in the next Masterlink.
ABATE pushed out a survey for what their legislative priorities will be for the 2022 session. ABATE lobbyists will take the top 4 policy issues and use them for the agenda of bills. The Board of Directors approved the 2022 legislative
Which describes you best?
58.5% I am an active member of ABATE of
24.6% I am an ABATE and MRF member
16.9% I am not a member of ABATE of Arizona
Which type of motorcycle do you ride most of the time?
87.7% Cruiser
6.2% I don't ride
6.2% Sport Bike
0.0% Dual Sport
0.0% Off Road
Please pick the top issue that is important to you:
21.2% Tougher penalties for distracted driving
13.6% Lane Filtering
9.1% Increased penalties for crashes involving motorcyclists, bicycles and pedestrians when red light running is involved
9.1% Road repairs and improvements
7.6% Continued changes to the infrastructure to recognize motorcycles in turn lanes and at stop lights
7.6% Higher penalties for tailgating a motorcycle and for pulling in to a lane already occupied by a motorcycle.
7.6% Not using ANY gas tax to be used except for its intended purpose. I.e. Road improvements and repairs
6.1% Reducing the levels of ethanol in fuels that motorcycles use
4.5% Pass legislation protecting motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians against autonomous vehicles
3.0% Motorcycle awareness questions on Class A driver’s test
3.0% Motorcycle riders course in lieu of traffic school for moving violations on a motorcycle
3.0% Protect motorcyclists by having true tort reform to stop insurance inequality
3.0% Requirement to have a valid Class M
license (motorcycle endorsement) to register a motorcycle
1.5% Increasing the Motorcycle Safety Fund
amount from $1 to $2 per registration
Are you a registered voter?
97.0% Yes
3.0% No
Do you have a valid Arizona motorcycle endorsement?
87.9% Yes
12.1% No
REGISTER TO VOTE!!!The 2022 ABATE Legislative Agenda approved
by the Board of Directors will be:
Higher penalties for violating the Arizona hands free statute
Lane filtering
Infrastructure funding (road repairs and improvements)
Ethanol fuel issues
While these four issues will be on our agenda, there are already other issues we will continue to work on such as:
Profiling of motorcyclists
Recognition of motorcycles at intersections for traffic signals
Protect motorcyclists by having true tort reform to stop insurance inequality
And as always, we will fight against any legislation that impedes freedom for motorcyclists.
Ride safe and be good to one another.
Mike InfanzonLegislative Director