I received a phone call yesterday from a former ABATE member asking about the candidate survey and if the candidates in his legislative district responded. I shared with him
the information I had but then the conversation turned south. He said, “I used to be a
member but since there is no helmet issue, I
don’t need to be a member anymore.” Folks,
nothing will get my blood boiling faster than
a comment like that.
As the Legislative Director of ABATE of
Arizona I want to be very clear on a few
ABATE of Arizona IS NOT an anti-helmet
organization. In fact, a majority of our membership wears a lid every time they ride. We are, however, a “Let those who ride decide” organization.
The fight about helmets is not about helmets! It is about government dictating what type of gear we wear. It is about allowing the rider to decide what brand of helmet, jacket, shoes,
gloves, etc. they feel is the best for them.
The fight about helmets is not about helmets!
It is about government dictating what type of
gear we wear. It is about allowing the rider to
decide what brand of helmet, jacket, shoes,
gloves, etc. they feel is the best for them.
California emissions mandate
Funding for road repairs and improvements
Motorcycle Safety Fund
Infrastructure improvements
VLT fees
Black box privacy issues
I could go on and on. We also work on criminal justice reform as it pertains to motorcyclists. One bill this past year would have
allowed community service to be done in lieu
of a monetary fine for civil traffic citations.
So, you see. ABATE is not all about helmets.
ABATE is about freedom and liberty. FOR
I have a patch on my vest that says:
“If you don’t belong to your SMRO and the
MRF, you’re riding on my gas.” – Farmer,
Not everyone has the time to come to chapter
meetings. Not everyone has time to volunteer
to be a chapter or state officer. But every
motorcyclist should be a member of ABATE.
Just a reminder… ABATE was A Brotherhood
Against Totalitarian Enactments long before it was Aimed Towards Education.
Freedom is a TEAM SPORT!
Mike InfanzonLegislative Director