Greetings to my fellow supporters of
Motorcycle rights!!I
As I sit to write this month’s report, I
am looking back on all the events of the
past few weeks. We had an amazing
turn out for the memorial services/celebration of life of our friend Deborah
Butitta. For those who made it to
Prescott I am sure you will agree that it
was both moving and fun looking on all
her achievements and seeing the love
and respect of the entire community.
She will never be replaced.
It was wonderful to see how many people came from all over the country to
pay respects to her.
I want to thank the members of the MRF
who made the journey to the Prescott
Rodeo grounds.
I also wish to extend congratulations to
the Motorcycle Riders Foundation on their
induction to the Sturgis Motorcycle
Museum Hall of Fame. This is an honor
that was well earned and shows just how
important the work of the MRF is for riders all over this country.
When you see this it will already be
September. The kids are back in school
and the summer is half over. I hope everyone gets out and enjoys our beautiful state.
Our country will be celebrating Labor
with a National Holiday. This is to pay
respects to those who work so hard, to
make our country what it is. The first
Labor Day celebration was September 5th,
1882 in New York City. During this time
most Americans worked 12 hour days six
days a week. It wasn’t until the Adamson
Act passed in 1916 that our modern 8 hour
work day was established. Labor Day is
also the second most dangerous holiday
weekend to drive on U.S. highways. When
you are enjoying this day with friends and
family please be aware as you travel and
keep alert and watch for other vehicles.
We want everyone to enjoy this holiday
and make it home safe.
This is the time of the year when ABATE
of Arizona will be planning our State
membership meeting and also elections for
the BOD member from each chapter. This
is also the time for all chapters to prepare
for upcoming chapter elections. The success of your chapter depends on volunteers. We are all in this together and we all
joined ABATE because motorcycle rights
and safety issues are important to us. The
old adage “many hands make light work”
is true. So lend a helping hand and make
the work a little easier for everyone in
your chapter and consider stepping up and being an officer.
Several members of ABATE of Arizona
will be traveling to Des Moines, IA this
month to attend the annual MRF convention known as Meeting of the Minds! This
is held every year and motorcycle rights
advocates from all around the country and
sometimes the world come together and
meet and discuss what is happening in
their states and on a national level. There
are many different seminars and meetings
and an amazing amount of knowledge is
shared. Many of our members belong to
the MRF and I strongly urge ALL of our
members to join the MRF.
September is also the month that the new
Arizona Lane Filter law will go into
effect. The date for that is Saturday
September 24th, 2022. This is the bill that
our State Legislative Director Mike
Infanzon, worked so very hard to get
pushed through the legislature. Please as
you travel around the state and talk with
other motorcyclists, remind them that it is
not yet in effect and will not be legal until then.
Help spread the word on all the good
things that have come to pass in Arizona
do to the hard work of ABATE members
across the state. While you are out riding
and supporting other groups and clubs,
talk about ABATE. Wear ABATE gear
proudly and ALWAYS carry several membership tri-folds with you. Most riders do
not belong to ABATE because nobody
ever asked them to join. ASK THEM!
Until next month please ride safe and look
out for all the kids who are back at school.
The universities are back in session with
many out of state students who may not be
familiar with the areas and may be lost
and distracted. Also this time of year is
when those famous visitors known as
“SNOWBIRDS” begin their annual migration and are starting to be seen on our
roadways. They bring lots of dollars to our
economy while they are here. These folks
are not always familiar with our streets
and roads and may not be very attentive so
PLEASE look out for them and as they
used to say on Hill Street Blues, LET’S
Jim ButsbackState PresidentABATE of Arizona