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President's Report

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October 2022

Presidents Report ImageI am sure that many of you have heard that I went down on my bike this past Sunday, September 11th. I want to thank all for the thoughts and prayers etc., and I am doing fine as I write this. I have some road rash, a sprained ankle and 1 staple in my scalp which will be removed tomorrow. As I have been told that it could very well have been much worse so I guess from now on I will have to “dress for the slide not the ride”.

The first item I need to bring up is upcoming elections. This year is the off year for state officers’ elections. State officers were elected to a two year term last year so there is no election this year. We will be electing Board of Director members this year. Each Chapter will elect a BOD representative for their Chapter.

Chapters should already be preparing for the Chapter elections. Nominations should be open and the elections should take place by November.

The chapter secretary shall note the results in the chapter minutes and submit them to the State Secretary. If any chapter member has any questions, or needs information, on how to run the election please contact me directly.

On the State level we have a few openings for state offices. These have come up do to officers having to step down do to work and/or family issues etc.. The positions that are open are Safety, Merchandise and Run Coordinator. These are all important jobs that need to be overseen for our organization. If you or anyone in your chapter may be interested or want more information please contact me. We will work with anyone to make sure that they learn the position.

Well as I sit down to write this summer is officially winding down. The days are getting a little shorter, the nights are cooler and the humidity has dropped. The night time low here in Tucson is finally back to about 70 degrees. As the rest of the country prepares for winter we here in the desert areas of Arizona are gearing up for the best riding weather.

The Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs is holding their annual fund raising event THE RIOT ON THE RIVER! This takes place the weekend of November 3rd thru November at the Winkleman Gila River Park. ABATE of Arizona is a charter member of the ACMC and I encourage everyone to attend. This year ABATE will be handling the sale of 50/50 tickets so if you are attending please lend a hand on the selling of these tickets. I try to attend every year and have always had a great time. It is really a good time to meet riders from all around the state and ABATE members for other chapters. This event is open to the public and if you have any family or friends that would like to attend please bring them along. I hope to see you there.

The primaries are over and we are entering into the final few weeks of the political campaign season. I really want to encourage everyone to get out and vote! Mike has been working very hard at trying to get candidates from around the state to answer our short questionnaire on how they stand on issues affecting motorcyclists here in Arizona. The results will be shared with you. Unfortunately not every candidate or their staff responded. The results are just one more resource for you to use when determining who has earned your vote. Please take this duty very seriously and make informed decisions. When you do go to the polls remember to wear your riding gear and also ride your bike to let those who are working the polls know you are a motorcyclist and you are involved.

As many of may have heard the state of Arizona has finally passed legislation to make lane filtering legal. This is a big step for all the other state looking into this. As this moves forward and data is collected it will make it easier to make a factual argument to bring to other legislatures around the country. The Arizona lane filtering will go into effect on Saturday September 24th, 2022. By the time you read this it will be in effect. Please help us all by explaining to those you know how this new law works and why they should be happy that it is now a law. This law is designed to protect motorcyclists.

Next week a few of us will travel to Des Moines, Iowa to attend the Meeting of the Minds which is put on by our friends at the Motorcycle Riders Foundation out of Washington DC. This a conference of motorcycle rights advocates from around the country. There are seminars and meetings to exchange ideas and learn how others are dealing with issues facing the motorcycling community in their states and maybe we can learn how to do it better here in Arizona. We will report back in the next issue of The Masterlink on what we learned and how it may affect us here in AZ. If you are not a member of the MRF I would like to encourage you to join. They do for us on the national level what we try and do here in Arizona on the state level. The information on the MRF and the MRF Awareness & Education can be found here in the Masterlink or go to www.mrf.org.

On a more personal note, October 1st my wife and I will be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank my wife, Mary Sue, for putting up with me for all this time. Most of you have never met her because she stays home and takes care of things that I let slide as I go about doing what we do. I travel to various conferences and attend meeting and events. I am out camping at Too Broke or Riot on the River or riding across our state for ACMC meetings. I have missed many dinners and family events and she has always been there. Many of us have that special someone at home that puts up with us. Thanks You my love.

Please as you go about your travels either on your bike or in your cage, be aware of what is around you. This time of year we get a big influx of winter visitors and college students who are away from home for the first time, and who may not be familiar with the area etc. The weather can also be very changeable especially in the higher elevations. Watch those around you and always be prepared for whatever you may encounter. Ride safe out there folks.

Jim Butsback
State President
ABATE of Arizona

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