As I sit to write this it is October 15th. Once again there have been
way too many accidents involving our fellow riders. As the days are
getting shorter and the winter visitors are coming back, I must
reinforce that you PLEASE “RIDE LIKE YOU ARE INVISIBLE” because
you are to these other vehicles on the road. They do not see you
and they do not “LOOK TWICE”, they do not respect your right of
way. I want everyone to be able to enjoy riding and also to get
home to your families safely.
Because we are a registered corporation, we are required by law to
hold a general membership meeting once each year. This year it will
be held in conjunction with our State Officers Elections. We have
reserved a space at Tombstone Brewery, 3935 E Thomas, Phoenix,
AZ for this event. We will be hosting this on Sunday November 12th,
2023. The times are from 11AM until approximately 2:30. All offices
are up for election and nominations are open until the election. The
State Officers are elected every other year and serve a two-year
term, so that officers elected at this meeting will serve from January
1, 2024 until December 31, 2025. As always, we need folks to step
up and help run this organization and fill these positions. If you
have any thoughts about running for a state office and would like to
know more about what it entails please not hesitate to contact any
of the officers and we will be happy to help you.
As many of you know the Motorcycle Riders Foundation held their
Annual Meeting of the Minds. This year’s event was in Harrisburg,
PA. I was happy to be able to attend and represent all of you at this
event. It has been one of the best experiences of the year for me. I
have always come back more energized and excited about what we
need to work on and what needs to be done to keep this mission
moving forward in a positive fashion.
Once again I strongly urge everyone to consider joining the MRF. If
you are already a member, Thank You. There is information on
joining both on our web page and also in the Masterlink. They are
the driving force for motorcyclist rights in Washington DC, and they
need our support. It would also be great to see every Chapter of
ABATE of Arizona to step up and become a sustaining member of
the MRF. If your Chapter is not a sustaining member please ask your
Chapter officers to see what it takes to do so. Information is at
www.mrg.org This month the Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs will be
hosting their Annual Fund Raising Event, “RIOT ON THE RIVER 2023” at
beautiful Winkelman Gila River Park, Winkelman, Arizona. The event is
November 2nd , 3rd and 4th . There is a smoked dinner Saturday included
with your admission.
This is an Old School Biker Rally and the public is welcome so bring your
friends and relatives and have a great weekend. There will be bike games
and a bike show along with vendors, food and drinks. There will be live
music Saturday. Admission is $20 per person and $30 per Couple.
Camping is included with your admission.
Remember to Please support those businesses and organizations that
support ABATE and the motorcycling community. The cost of being a
business member is very reasonable and includes a monthly
advertisement in the Masterlink along with a listing on our web page and
two memberships in ABATE. Talk to businesses that you deal with about
becoming an ABATE business member.
As always membership drives our organization. Spread the word!
Always keep a few of our membership tri-folds with you and wear your
ABATE gear when attending events. People need to be told about ABATE
and they will not just join, You Need to Ask Them!!
Jim ButsbackState PresidentABATE of Arizona