When this article reaches everyone it
will be the beginning of November and
we will have just celebrated Halloween.
I hope everyone enjoyed themselves
and had a good time, and that you all
returned home safe after any parties or
festivities you may have enjoyed.
As I sit to write this it is October 15th.
Once again there have been way too
many accidents involving our fellow
riders. As the days are getting shorter
and the winter visitors are coming back,
I must reinforce that you PLEASE
because you are to these other vehicles
on the road. They do not see you and
they do not “LOOK TWICE”, they do
not respect your right of way. I want
everyone to be able to enjoy riding and
also to get home to your families safely.
One of the reasons we pushed so hard
to get “Lane Filtering” passed here in
Arizona is because motorcyclists getting
rear-ended at traffic lights is one of the
fastest growing causes for motorcyclists injury and death. It has become legal as of
September 24th. I have seen many riders
doing this properly and safely. I have also
seen many who must think that it is “lane
Splitting” that is legal. Please, as you go
about your daily business take the time to
explain to those you interact with the proper
way to filter legally and especially educate
those drivers who may not be aware of the
new law.
At this time our upcoming Chapter elections should be open for nominations and
elections should be completed by your
November meetings. The Chapter secretary
should note the results and in the Chapter
minutes and submit them to the State
Secretary. If any Chapter has any questions
of needs assistance please contact me
This is also the year that each Chapter
elects their representative to the Board of
Directors (BOD). Be sure to include that
position in your elections.
Because we are a registered corporation we
are required by law to hold a general membership meeting once each year. This it will
be held in conjunction with our State
Annual Member Party. We will be hosting
this on November 12th. The times are from
12 Noon until approximately 4PM. The
location for this event is Jake’s Corner Bar
& Grill at 57564 N Arizona Hwy, Payson,
AZ 85541. This about 20 miles south of
Payson, 4 miles east of Hwy 87 on Hwy
188 near Roosevelt Lake. Jake’s is an
ABATE business member and they are
preparing a great time for all of us. Some of
what you can look forward to is FREE meal
to current ABATE members. Corn Hole
contest. 3-Ball Pool Contest. LIVE MUSIC
Building 12 Playing. We will have ABATE
merchandise for sale. We will also have a
ABATE annual member meeting and financial and membership disclosure as required.
There is camping available nearby so plan
on coming to this event and hanging out with your fellow ABATE members.
As always we need folks to step up and
help run this organization. We are still looking for a couple of folks who would like to
step up and fill a couple of open positions
on the State Board. If anyone is thinking
about it or needs additional information
please give me a call.
As many of you know the Motorcycle
Riders Foundation held their Annual
Meeting of the Minds. This year’s event
was in Des Moines, Iowa. This year I was
able to attend and I was happy to see that
we had 14 members of ABATE of Arizona
in attendance. I believe 5 of our Chapters
were represented. This year as in the past, it
has been one of the best experiences of the
year for me. I have always come back more
energized and excited about what we need
to work on and what needs to be done to
keep this mission moving forward in a positive fashion. Mike Infanzon, representing
ABATE of Arizona at the MOTM was privileged to be able except on our behalf the
2022 State Legislation Award presented to
ABATE along with the MMA and the
ACMC for our work in passing SB1273 the
Lane Filtering Bill. It was fitting that Mike
should be the one to except this because it
was through his hard work that this was
able to be accomplished. If you have not
seen the photos of the aware just go to our
State Facebook page and it is posted there.
Once again I strongly urge everyone to consider joining the MRF. If you are already a
member, Thank You. There is information
on joining both on our web page and also in
the Masterlink. They are the driving force
for motorcyclist rights in Washington DC,
and they need our support. It would also be
great to see every Chapter of ABATE of
Arizona to step up and become a sustaining
member of the MRF. If your Chapter is not
a sustaining member please ask your
Chapter officers to see what it takes to do
so. Information is at www.mrf.org
This month the Arizona Confederation of
Motorcycle Clubs will be hosting their
Annual Fund Raising Event, “RIOT ON
THE RIVER 2022” at beautiful Winkelman
Gila River Park, Winkelman, Arizona. The
event is November 3rd, 4th 5th and 6th.
There is a smoked dinner Saturday included
with your admission. This is an Old School
Biker Rally and the public is welcome so
bring your friends and relatives and have a
great weekend. There will be bike games
and a bike show along with vendors, food
and drinks. Live music Saturday, Admission
is $20 per person and $30 per Couple.
ABATE of Arizona will have a pop-up set
up to give information and we will be selling some of our merchandise. If you are in
attendance stop by and help us out. We will
also be helping the ACMC by selling 50/50
tickets. Come on out and help us support
the ACMC.
Remember to Please support those businesses and organizations that support
ABATE and the motorcycling community.
The cost of being a business member is
very reasonable and includes a monthly
advertisement in the Masterlink along with
a listing on our web page and two memberships in ABATE. Talk to businesses that
you deal with about becoming an ABATE
business member.
As always membership drives our organization. Spread the word! Always keep a few
of our membership tri-folds with you and
wear your ABATE gear when attending
events. People need to be told about
ABATE and they will not just join, You
Need to Ask Them!!
Jim ButsbackState PresidentABATE of Arizona