Okay, I must say going to Meeting of the Minds was a good experience for me! I have picked up some tools that, after discussing with officers, we will be sending questions to each chapter to get your opinion on some statistical planning for each chapter.
Riding season is here make sure to check the air pressure in your tires and the tread on them. Ride Safe.
Anyone having an event or run please make sure to post in the Masterlink.
I want to thank Mohave, Yavapai, and High Country chapters for getting me the shot glasses and/or other items I requested to take for the ABATE basket at Riot on the River. I knew this was not going to be an easy task to do. Thank you for those who are planning to get them to me before the end of the month. For Riot on the River we still need people to step up and help out; get with me so I can let the AZCMC know how many volunteers we will be having from ABATE of Arizona.
Also, we are looking for anyone interested in being on the Too Broke for Sturgis Committee. We are always looking for creative minds to help out.
I hope everyone has received the new trifold membership application forms. Please send your thoughts on them and what we could add or subtract. These are OUR trifolds, not just one or two people’s.
Discussions for possibly a Christmas party to be held in Phoenix with White Elephant (gift exchange game). If interested in attending please get with Lil' Bit and let her know. We will be having a membership drive at the beginning of the year more to come on that in the near future.
We are currently looking for someone to do an audit for ABATE and this would be pro bono. However, the person or persons would receive paid admission into Too Broke For Sturgis and a TBFS shirt, also a paid one year membership into ABATE. SO, if you know someone who has the credentials and would be willing to do this for us, please contact the chairman of the board or one of your state officers. Thank you for your assistance with finding the right person for this position.
We currently have state officers positions open, also. If you know someone you think would do an awesome job, let us know.
Lastly, thank you everyone for all you do for ABATE! Without all of you who are so dedicated in keeping ABATE of AZ going, we would not exist. So let's have some events and send in pictures and ideas for future things ABATE can do.
Your Prez,
Shirley Bizub"Moon Shine"State PresidentABATE of Arizona