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President's Report

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May 2023

Presidents Report ImageGreetings to all my Brothers & Sisters of ABATE of Arizona. May is upon us as this issue comes out. Spring has finally come to the entire state of Arizona. Those of us in the desert areas have had good weather but the high country and mountain areas of our great state are now fully into riding weather. As always the calendar is full of events and we all look forward to getting out and seeing friends and associates around the state that we may not have seen since last fall.

May is also Motorcycle Awareness Month, throughout this great country of ours organizations and municipalities are issuing proclamations and holding events to increase awareness of motorcycles on our nation’s roads and highways. Please help spread the word and let folks know that it is everyone’s responsibility to be careful and to “Look Twice-Save a Life”. If you attend any of these events please take photos and report back to us what is being done around our state to bring attention to this cause.

May is also the month that we celebrate our Moms! Mothers Day is May 14th. I would like to express ABATE’s best wishes to all of the Mothers out there in our ranks. I hope all of our Mothers have a very special Mother’s Day and for those who are no longer with us, we will cherish those memories of our Mother’s Love.

The month of May is also very significant because it is also the month that we honor our Veterans! It is the month we observe Memorial Day! This year Memorial is May 29th. Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day, a day of remembrance for those who have died in service to our great Nation. There are many stories of how this day had its beginnings but it all culminated when General Logan gave his official proclamation in 1868. Many of our members have served our country and many of us have friends, relatives etc. who have served or are still serving. Without these brave men & women we would not be able to enjoy all the freedoms we enjoy today. I thank all of our service members for the dedication and sacrifices they gave. So honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for us and DO NOT EVER FORGET!!

The month of May is also the month that the MRF hosts Bikers inside the Beltway. This is a day when motorcycle rights activists from around the country gather in Washington DC to meet with our Congressmen and Senators to discuss issues important to all of us who ride. Our Lobbyist Mike Infanzon will be attending. Unfortunately due to family issues I am not able to attend.

As many of you have heard, this year’s Too Broke for Sturgis Fund Raiser was on the very edge of being cancelled due to not having a venue. We were contacted by a gentleman who is the owner of Winslow Rodeo Grounds and a motorcyclist who has attended Too Broke in the past. He had heard of our predicament and said that he has a arena and approximately 20 acres and would like to work with us. He has plenty of area for dry camping and will build a stage etc, for our use.

I contacted the State Vice-President Paula who lives in Winslow and asked her to contact him and look over the property. She set up a meeting with him and went out and toured the grounds and took photos. The Mayor of Winslow who also had heard about the meeting also attended and spoke with Paula about the City’s interest in the event.

After reviewing the information that Paula we decided that we needed to have a group go up and get a better look at the area. On March 22, 23 we set a meeting with Lonnie Gose and his wife Sharon along with both the Mayor of Winslow, Roberta Cano and the City Manager David Coolidge.

We had a very informative and productive meeting which included a tour of the property as well as a tour of the entire town and area. The Mayor informed us that the City is very interested in hosting our event and will work with our organization to make it happen. Do to the late date and all that will be involved in holding this event at a new location we have decide to push the date back to where it was traditional held in July. This year’s event will be July 26 -30, with the 26 as a set up day and gate to open Thursday at noon and the event to close Sunday.

As this is a new venue and location there are several advantages and also some disadvantages. Nothing is perfect. It looks like we will be able to sell beer and liquor and make a profit from that which we never were able to do in the past. There are no cabins but there are many hotel/motels in the Winslow area for those who do not camp. There are not trees on that property so we are looking into large tents to provide a shaded area.

It is a great area for riding. The Rodeo grounds are less than 2 miles from the “Standing on the Corner” site. The city is located right on Old Route 66. The Historic Meteor Crater is about 27 miles to the west. The Painted Dessert is about 61 Miles to the east as is the Petrified Forest. The famous Wigwam Motel is 33 miles to the east in Holbrook, AZ. For those who look for a longer ride the Grand Canyon Visitors center is about 140 miles away.

The weather in Winslow for July averages highs in the low 90’s and lows in the low to mid 60’s. The area only averages 3 rainy days for the entire month of July. We are working with the Winslow Visitor Center and we will be providing more information in the future.

Our next step is to get to work! We need everybody to step up and help make this year’s event work! We will need volunteers to help work the event and set-up. We need volunteers for every job! I would like to see every Chapter represented on the committee and volunteer list. If you want to help, contact me directly

Jim Butsback
State President
ABATE of Arizona

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