May 2021

Hello again my ABATE family,
What a busy month it’s been . Working on
trying to get new chapters and people to
run them and visiting existing chapters.
Motorcycle Day at the Dome April 12,
I hope you all are doing well. I would like
to send a reminder that all Chapters, report
for Master Link is due on the 10th of each
month NOT the 15th; this was changed
last year. Also coordinators please proof
read your reports. I have heard that some
chapters are not getting their membership
reports and minutes turned in. these
should be done within 2 weeks, at the
maximum, after your meeting.
Some put it off and then it slips their
minds, it happens but if you do it right
away then no worries.
I would like each chapter to see who
might make a good State Officer we have
State Products, Safety, and
Communications open. So, let's help get
these filled; thanks for your help.
Too Broke For Sturgis IS HAPPENING
this year! Due to lack of help, if we don't
all start to pull together to make this happen, we may not be able to continue having it. So when the sign up sheets come
around I would love to see each chapter
take on a job that your chapter will do
during the entire event. Break it up
between your members so everyone can
have time to enjoy themselves. This is a
State event and all Chapters should help in
this event. I for one don't want to see it go
away. So with everyone's help we should
be able to pull it off. Time to step up and
help everyone get motivated and excited
about the Event. Spread the word it is happening. Thank you everyone for all your hard work. I truly appreciate each of you for helping ABATE of AZ exist; you’re all awesome!
Shirley Bizub"Moon Shine"State PresidentABATE of Arizona