June 2023

Greetings to all my fellow Freedom
Fighters, supporters of motorcycle
rights and ABATE members!
As I sit down to write this monthly
report I look back through my notes and
see everything that happened this past
month. Our Legislative Director Mike
Infanzon has been working hard on all
the legislation that has anything to do
with motorcyclists.
Mike Infanzon is in Washington D.C. to
attend the Annual Michael “Boz” Kerr
Biker’s Inside the Beltway.
This annual event is put on by our friends
at the Motorcycle Riders Foundation
(MRF). This event is a way for motorcycle rights activists to gather and lobby the
members of Congress. Mike informed me
that he had meetings set with every single
member of the Arizona delegation. This is
amazing and a reflection of how hard he is
working for all motorcyclists in Arizona.
We will continue to contact all the members of Congress that represent Arizona by
telephone, email and also contacting their
local offices here in Arizona. Mike will
update everyone on the results of his
whirlwind trip to our Capital when he
returns. Watch for his updates in the
Masterlink next month.
This past month of May was also
Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month.
I know many of our cities and towns have
issued proclamations designating May as
Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month
as well as the State. I hope that all of our
chapters have partaken in various events to
promote motorcycle safety around our
state. Thank you to everyone for all you
do to make Arizona safe for ALL motorcyclists.
I had the privilege of attending the
Arizona Motorcycle Safety and Awareness
Foundation’s (AMSAF) fund raising dinner “Riding for the Long Haul”! They are actively working on educating the public
on safety and awareness to help reduce
crashes and fatalities in Arizona. The offer
financial assistance for motorcycle training, the purchasing of helmets and now
they have added assistance for Accident
Scene Management classes, both the basic
class and the advanced class. For more
information go to www.AMSAF.org.
I have been trying to attend all of the
monthly ACMC meetings when possible. I
made the ride up to Phoenix the last weekend in April to attend the Arizona
Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs
(ACMC) monthly meeting. For those who
may not know ABATE of Arizona is a
Charter member of the ACMC. The
ACMC meets monthly and allows MCs
from around the state to get together and
discuss various topics that affect the
motorcycling community and the motorcycle clubs in particular. ABATE works with
the ACMC on legislative issues and other
issues that come to light. The meetings are
moved to different locations throughout
the state every month to allow more clubs
to attend.
As always ABATE and the Too Broke
committee is in need of volunteers to help
with this event. This is a great way to support our organization and to meet others
from around the state who are also volunteering. Please consider stepping up and
volunteering at Too Broke for Sturgis! I
look forward to seeing many of our members up at the new location At the
Winslow Rodeo Grounds.
Remember that the reason more of your
fellow motorcyclists are not members of
ABATE of Arizona is because they have
never been asked to join! If every ABATE
member recruited just one new member
every year our numbers would double
every year and we would be a force to be
reckoned with. So ask every rider you
meet if they are a member, if they are not
ask them to come to a meeting and learn
who we are and what we stand for. ASK
THEM TO JOIN! The time to organize
and fight for your freedoms is BEFORE
they are all gone!
Jim ButsbackState PresidentABATE of Arizona