As I sit down to write this monthly
report I look back through my notes and
see everything that happened this past
month. Our Legislative Director Mike
Infanzon has been working hard on all
the legislation that has anything to do
with motorcyclists. He is also working
on how to educate the public on the
new Lane Filtering law before it goes
into effect, which will not happen until
90 days after the state legislature finishes their business for the year. This may take some time because they have to still pass a new budget and this being an election year the parties are not working nicely together.
Most years Mike Infanzon would be
traveling to Washington D.C. to attend
the Annual Michael “Boz” Kerr Biker’s
Inside the Beltway. This annual event is
put on by our friends at the Motorcycle
Riders Foundation (MRF).
This event is a way for motorcycle rights activists to gather and lobby the members of Congress. Unfortunately due to the state of the economy the cost of airfare and hotel rooms has jumped significantly and has outpaced our
budget. We will continue to contact all the members of Congress that represent Arizona by telephone, email and also contacting their local offices here in Arizona.
This past month of May was also Motorcycle
Safety and Awareness Month. I know many of
our cities and towns have issued proclamations
designating May as Motorcycle Safety and
Awareness Month as well as the State. I hope
that all of our chapters have partaken in various events to promote motorcycle safety
around our state. Thank you to everyone for all
you do to make Arizona safe for ALL motorcyclists.
In April I had the great experience of attending
an Accident Scene Management Class presented by Teresa and Ben Martinez. It was held at
Tucson Harley-Davidson and sponsored by The
Husband & Wife Law Team. The Breyer Law
Team provided a 25% discount for those who
attend as well as providing lunch. I wish to
thank them and especially Ms. Rosi Khazoom
for all they do to help make motorcyclists in
Arizona safe. If you ever have a chance to
attend one of these amazing classes I highly
recommend that you do it. You will learn much
and meet other motorcyclists, and the knowledge you acquire may one day save a life.
I made the ride up to Phoenix the last weekend
in April to attend the Arizona Confederation of
Motorcycle Clubs (ACMC) monthly meeting.
For those who may not know ABATE of
Arizona is a Charter member of the ACMC.
The ACMC meets monthly and allows MCs
from around the state to get together and discuss various topics that affect the motorcycling
community and the motorcycle clubs in particular. ABATE works with the ACMC on legislative issues and other issues that come to light.
The meetings are moved to different locations
throughout the state every month to allow more clubs to attend.
I had the pleasure of attending the annual
fundraiser for the Arizona Motorcycle Safety
and Awareness Foundation which is called
“Riding for the Long Haul”. It was held May
7th at the El Zaribah Shiner’s auditorium in
Phoenix. ABATE of Arizona was a sponsor and
purchased a table for 8 in support of AMSAF
and their mission to make the streets and roads
of Arizona safer for all of us.
June brings some of the best riding weather of
the year especially in the high country of our
great state of Arizona. It also brings the heat
and the threat of dehydration. Please remember
that if you wait until you are thirsty it is too
late. Drink plenty of water, before during and
after your rides, use sun screen and cover the
exposed skin on hot sunny days. Also remember that alcohol will dehydrate you faster,
watch your consumption especially when riding in hot weather.
June is also the month when my favorite event
of the year happens. TOO BROKE FOR
STURGIS! This year is the 31st year that
ABATE of Arizona is hosting this event. The
committee has been hard at work and they
have a great event lined up for us. I know that
many of you look forward to this event every
year and really enjoy all the games, music,
vendors, food, camaraderie, and the great riding in the area. Too Broke is much more than
that. This is the only major fund raising event
that ABATE of Arizona puts on at the State
level. ALL proceeds from this wonderful weekend go towards continuing the fight for
“Freedom of the Road”. This event helps pay
for the publication of the Masterlink, it helps
fund delegations to participate in conferences
with other motorcycle rights activists from
around the country. TBFS also allows ABATE
of Arizona to support the efforts of the
American Motorcyclists Association (AMA)
and the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF)
on a national level, and much more than I can
list here. So when you attend TBFS not only
are you having a GREAT weekend, you are
helping to make sure that ALL motorcyclists
will continue to enjoy the freedoms that we are
so blessed to be enjoying now. I encourage all
who believe in the Freedom of the Road to join ABATE of Arizona if you have not done so.
Even if you cannot attend your local meetings
it is important that we expand our membership.
The politicians who try to limit our freedoms
see the strength in our numbers and feel the
pressure when we send out a call to action and
their email boxes are flooded and the phone
lines are screaming. It is by showing as a united front that we will be heard.
As you ride up to beautiful Mormon Lake
Lodge and Campground, please be watchful for
the wildlife up in the Coconino Forest. There
are Elk and Deer throughout the area and many
other creatures especially near dawn and dusk.
Enjoy the trip but ride safe.
As always ABATE and the Too Broke committee are in need of volunteers to help with this
event. The committee is providing free admission to those who sign up to work two (2) four
hour shifts. This is a great way to support our
organization and to meet others from around
the state who are also volunteering. Please consider stepping up and volunteering at Too
Broke for Sturgis!
I look forward to seeing many of our
members up at Mormon Lake Lodge and
Campground. Remember that the reason
more of your fellow motorcyclists are not
members of ABATE of Arizona is because
they have never been asked to join! If
every ABATE member recruited just one
new member every year our numbers
would double every year and we would be
a force to be reckoned with. So ask every
rider you meet if they are a member, if
they are not ask them to come to a meeting and learn who we are and what we
stand for. ASK THEM TO JOIN! The time
to organize and fight for your freedoms is BEFORE they are all gone!
Until next time!
Jim ButsbackState PresidentABATE of Arizona