June 2021

Hello ABATE Family & Friends,
I hope everyone is doing we . I am hearing a lot of excitement about the best
Motorcycle Rally /camp out that is right
here in our beautiful state of Arizona;
I think everyone can't wait to get out and have some fun. Word has it people will be traveling from other states to enjoy our rally this year. So, I am asking Each Chapter to please do your part in helping where it is needed. This is, after all, an ABATE event and it takes more than a handful to pull this off . Be Proud to be a part of Arizona’s largest SMRO . There are some things in the works you won't want to miss. You won't know what they are if you don't go. Don't forget to buy your guitar raffle tickets; Can't win if you don't buy one.
Things are really moving along with the
new Web page. We are sorry it's taking
some time, but believe me it will be worth the wait.
State officers have been talking about
doing an all state potluck BBQ centrally
located. If anyone has any idea about a
good to great venue to hold this let us
know ASAP. Chapters competition against
each other in games. Should be good time
and a way for the four corner of the state
and everywhere in-between to get to meet
each other.
Proclamations about May being
Motorcycle Awareness Month have been
being picked up all over the State that is really awesome.
Please remember to get your chapters exited again about ABATE. I know with all
the shut downs people have gone through
some depression . It's time to open up the
blinds and feel the sun on your face and
get out and get some Wind! Keep on riding free but not naked you will burn in
sensitive areas! Be safe and, as always,
watch out for those who are not watching
for you.
Shirley Bizub"Moon Shine"State PresidentABATE of Arizona