June 2020

Well finally there might be a glimps of light as our state starts to open back up. And maybe find toilet paper and hand sanitizer on our shelves once more.
As you all know Too Broke For Sturgis was cancelled. This saddened me to have to do, but for the safety and following state reopening levels this just wasn't going to fall into place this year. On the other hand we have to look forward to a bigger and more happening time next year.
Please remember your community, some businesses are struggling as they reopen and could use the support of everyone in their communities. So if you're able to help out please do.
May is Motorcycle Awareness month and as fellow brothers and sisters, we need to be watching for the motorist’s that are not watching for us. Seems like the nicer the weather gets, the more spacey drivers get too. Be safe and keep a check on tire pressure throughout these hot days.
Let's see if we can't get some good rides in and maybe support other chapters on their run. I will be hitting meetings starting in June to get out and meet some members.
Hoping our next officer meeting will be back on course starting June.
That's it for now, stay with the rubber side down and talk to you real soon.
Shirley Bizub"Moon Shine"State PresidentABATE of Arizona