July 2021

Hello ABATE of Arizona Family!
Another month is gone. I hope
many of you got the chance to
go to Too Broke For Sturgis.
If not you sure did miss a
good one this year.
July State officers meeting
will be on July 10th; in honor
of Independence Day we will
not have our usual meeting
I would like/appreciate some
feed back on the poem I put in
the Master Link last month on
page 10. I felt this could apply
to ABATE members.
would also like to know if
anyone is interested in having
an ALL chapter BBQ/pot luck
in either August or September.
I look forward to hearing from
the chapters letting me know
if this is something each chapter would like to partake in.
There could be some games to
play, raffle items, etc.
Be safe everyone and hydrate!
It seems when the sun comes
out people are likely to forget
how to watch for others on the
Shirley Bizub"Moon Shine"State PresidentABATE of Arizona