July 2020

Hello everyone,
What crazy time's we have had! I hope everyone is safe. Hopefully, Chapters are starting back up with their meetings.
Watch for sign up online for Too Broke For Sturgis volunteer. As everyone knows, we had to cancel this year's event. On the brighter side, that gives us more time to plan a bigger and better event for next year. Please sign up to help. We need many people to pull this off, and I'm counting on every chapter to help pitch in.
I am traveling throughout Arizona to make appearances at all the chapters. So, if your chapter has changed its time or place, please inform everyone. We wouldn't want to miss the opportunity of a new possible member to show up, and there is no meeting.
Remember, we are all volunteers because we care about our rights as motorcyclists. So, before getting upset with someone, remember we are giving our all to keep ABATE of Arizona alive.
If your chapter is having runs or events, please share your flyers. And everyone else please share your fellow brother and sista event. Let's build ABATE of AZ. Larger and better, let's teach people who we are and what we are all about.
ML&R keep the rubber side down.
Shirley Bizub"Moon Shine"State PresidentABATE of Arizona