January 2021

Happy Holidays everyone, Hope everyone
one is have a safe one.
Things at the State level are ready to start
the New Year running. I would like to
thank all the Board members that have
given so much of their time and efforts
into keeping things running in ABATE.
On that note I also would like to welcome
all the new board members coming on for
As you all know January is our officers’
training and all that have taken on a new
position please come or call in for training. Call in May take longer on training
since it cannot be done all at the same
time but we will get it done.
I would like to thank all the chapters for
your donations for the basket at Riot on
the River. We had a good turn out of
ABATE members; would love to see that
amount double or triple next year. Our
basket was one of the best! Again, thank
you all who helped with the sale of the
50/50 tickets; it was announced that this
was the best in sales they have ever had. That was awesome to hear.
On January 30, 2021 at the Arizona
Coalition of Motorcycle Clubs (Cave
Creek HA; 21448 N 24th Ave Phx AZ)
meeting there will be a guest speaker
speaking about profiling. I encourage
everyone, if you're able to attend please do so. The meeting is at 11a.m.
The State Officers are asking each chapter
what we as officers can do to increase
your membership. Any ideas please contact any of the State Officers. I would also
like to thank all ABATE members and
Officers for standing with me and helping
me grow into this position. Let's push
membership off right in the new year. If
every member would sign one new member or renew an expired member each
month we certainly will grow.
Thank you everyone.
Shirley Bizub"Moon Shine"State PresidentABATE of Arizona