January 2020

I would like to start by thanking all the past State Officer's for all their hard work and time they put into keeping ABATE of Arizona alive.
A little about myself I came from Spanaway ABATE of Washington. I am a life time member of ABATE and believe what ABATE stands for. I was very active with our chapter and was at the capitol regularly . I was apart of the Anti Profiling bill and The Red Light bill.
I would like to visit each chapter and attend one or two of their events throughout the year.
I believe Bikers at the Dome in Feb. is a very important event that I would like to see as many People there as possible. This is what ABATE is about fighting for our rights and getting bills heard and passed that helps the Motorcyclist. safety and education is also very important for us.
ABATE should be a neutral ground for all motorcyclist, and enthusiast.
I would like to see our chapters grow and come together on fighting for our rights...
Remember those who support your events make sure you support theirs to.
I look forward to meeting everyone.
Thank you for keeping ABATE of Arizona alive.
Keep the rubber side down and watch for those who are not watching for you.
Your President,
Shirley Bizub"Moon Shine"State PresidentABATE of Arizona