February 2021

Hello everyone, I hope you all are well
and taking care of yourselves. I would
like to send my condolences to everyone who has lost a brother or sister /
family or friends through this pandemic.
Stay strong we are all family here in
ABATE or I would like to think we are.
I'd like to send my gratitude to Woody;
thank you for all the years you have volunteered for ABATE of AZ. Wow!! He
really has held us together many times and
that is not an easy job. Thank you so
The State Officers have two positions
needing to be filled A.S.A.P.; State
Merchandise officer and State Sergeant at
Arms. We also are looking for people who
would like to be an understudy to the officers if you’re thinking about becoming a
State Officer. You can work side by side
with us and see if this is a position you
might like to run for in the next election
(November 2021). This way you don't
have to worry if you can do it or not check
it out first and see. We will make sure you
have the tools you need to succeed or at
least know where to look to find them.
I feel our officer training went for the
most part pretty good. I can honestly say it
was not your normal training but then
again 2020 wasn't a normal year. It was
really good to see so many people come
out for the training. There were doughnuts
and coffee to warm up those who rode to
Phoenix. Thank you those who used
ZOOM to attend. I still have a lot to learn
about the use of it, but I have faith I can
do it. I think this might be something each
Chapter might want to think about using
for their Chapter meetings might get some
increased attendance; couldn't hurt trying.
Mark the date APRIL 12, 2021,
Motorcycle Day at the Dome. We would
like to see an increase in participation
numbers this year; for being heard and
Photos. So, let's fill the street in front of
the Capital with Motorcycles! There is
power in numbers and being united fighting for our rights as Motorcyclists in the State of Arizona.
Thank you again everyone for all you do
whether it is at chapter level, state level or
helping out where you are needed.
Everyone of you helps keep us going.
Until next month that's it for now.
Watch for those who are not watching for
you. Keep the rubber side down.
Shirley Bizub"Moon Shine"State PresidentABATE of Arizona