February 2020

Hello ABATE family,
It's been a busy month inviting people to join us at Bikers at the Dome February 19th, 2020. I encourage everyone to try and make it and let every one you know we would love for them to join us fighting for motorcyclists rights is a big part of what ABATE is all about.
I for one am not willing to let some one who does not ride try to make a law on what i can or cant wear while riding. Only you know what will keep you safe on the road . Stand up and let your vote & voice be heard. There is power in numbers and I feel ALL motorcyclists need to come together and stand as ONE. UNITED.
I would like to see ABATE apparel being worn while you’re out in the community let people know what ABATE is our accomplishments as well as our goals. Its a good way to start up conversations with fellow riders. Carry applications on you, you never know who might just share the same passion as we do... "riding" and care about our rights. Invite them to your chapter meeting or a event your having make that new person at the meeting feel like they are important to ABATE each and every one of ABATE is a key to our success in keeping riding free in Arizona. If they are not from your area send them to there nearest chapter. I would like to see more chapters in the Mohave area and in other areas of Arizona. If you have ideas, I want to hear them. I hope to meet many of you at the Dome on February 19th, 2020.
Moving on, I would like to see each chapter have a minimum of 3 members to help out at Too Boke for Sturgis. This is OUR event and we can’t depend on a few people to do everything with each chapter doing their part everyone can have some time to enjoy this event. So please ask your chapter family who would be willing to step up to the plate and help out. They can do a few hours a day or as many hours or days they are willing to help out. That way others have time to relax and have fun. I feel with everyone's help we can make this a Great event only to get bigger and better each year.
Let's make "Too Broke for Sturgis” a biker rally no one will want to miss year after year.
Keep the rubber side down watch for those who are not watching for you on the road. Be safe.
I'd like to Thank everyone who has reached out to me with their support. I really do appreciate it. That's it for this month my Arizona ABATE family.
Your President,
Shirley Bizub"Moon Shine"State PresidentABATE of Arizona