It is hard to believe that we are already coming to the end of the year 2023. As I sit to write this it is the week before Thanksgiving and I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were lucky enough to spend some time
with family and friends to enjoy the Holiday! I also hope that we all remembered those who are less fortunate than us at this time of year. (You know those who do not ride motorcycles). This time of year is some of the best weather
to get out and enjoy a ride with friends.
It is always most gratifying to see the motorcycling community come together and do what they can to support their fellow man. There are more toy parades, food drives, clothing drives and just outpourings of generosity that come from the motorcycling community than any other groups that I know of. It makes me so very proud to be associated with all of you.
I would like to thank all of those members who came to our Annual State Members meeting on November 12th. It was
great to see everyone. We really do not have the opportunity to get together as much as I would like. Arizona being such a large state and with Chapters so spread across this state it makes it hard. I also would like to thank the management and staff of Tombstone Brewing Company in Phoenix. They were great and provided a nice lunch and it is wonderful facility. They are a business member and supporter of ABATE
of Arizona.
At this time of year as we all go about planning our Holiday Celebrations and the hustle and bustle of shopping and
dealing with the kids and grandkids and family and out of town visitors, or maybe traveling to see loved ones etc.,
please take time to slow down and take a breath enjoy all that we have.
Also at this time of year those around us are dealing with the hustle and stress of the Holidays as well and they might not be as attentive and vigilant as they normally would be so we
need take it upon ourselves to be extra careful out there when riding our motorcycles or driving our cages etc.
At this time of year most of us are attending many different events such as holiday parties, toy runs for less fortunate kids and various food drives to name a few. Whether you are attending
with your Chapter members or with another group or your family members, we would love to know who and or what events you are supporting.
Please take a few photos and write a short article about the event or charity along with the group or club sponsoring the event. Send those in to the Masterlink. Not only do folks like to see their pictures in the paper but the added publicity may help the event
to grow. When attending these events please wear your ABATE gear and let those hosting the event know that you are an ABATE member and that you are there supporting them.
Once again I want to thank all the members of ABATE of Arizona for allowing me to serve and represent you. I also wish to thank all the newly elected officers in all the Chapters around the state for all that you do. We are a volunteer organization and it is because
of folks like you that we can have the impact that we have. I wish to thank the outgoing officers around that state for the time that they dedicated and all the hard work it takes.
As I finally come to a close I wish to wish all of you a very Happy Holiday season no matter how you choose to celebrate, may you and all those you love and care about be happy and healthy. Happy New Year to all!!!
Jim ButsbackState PresidentABATE of Arizona