August 2020

Wow. Time is just flying by. It's already August. Where does the time go?
I hope everyone is safe and well and holding it together through this pandemic.
Things should be getting back to the new normal soon. We can only hope, right?
A committee is being put together for the Too Broke For Sturgis 2021 Event. There are a lot of creative ideas coming to the table for this big event. Can't wait to see the outcome. It should be the best event of the year. You don't want to miss this one for sure.
Meeting of the Minds is September 23rd to 27th 2020 in Indianapolis, Indiana. NCOM is also in Indianapolis, Indiana on October 16th to 18th, 2020. I will be traveling a bit these months; not to mention the Chapters I will be visiting. I know with times like they are right now some Chapter meetings may get canceled or choose to hold them via on-line or phone. Please let me know if your Chapter meeting is being changed at least a day before, if not more, so I have time to cancel room. Thank you for helping me out with this. You all Rock.
I got the pleasure to hear Mike lnfanzon speak at Mohave Chapter last month. Wow is all I can say; very informative. If he comes to your Chapter, take notes; lots of good stuff he goes over. And if you know anyone who has been profiled, please get a hold of Mike and he will direct you to the proper person that is working on these issues. Doesn't matter if they are ABATE or not. Talk to people on rides while your getting your wind therapy. There might be someone who has been profiled and don't even know it. You would be surprised.
November 6th to 8th, 2020, Riot on the RiverABATE OF AZ will be helping out with the 50/50 this year. I'm looking for people to step up to the skid pad to help me and the rest of ABATE members that will be at this event. Not to mention it's a camp-out. Are you ready to get out of your house? I know I sure am. Going to be good times. Hoping to see many ABATE family at this event. We are also donating a raffle item. I have something in mind but we will see. I personally would like to thank everyone who work so hard and give your time so freely to keep ABATE of AZ alive. If it wasn't for all of you, ABATE of AZ would be nonexistent. I want you all to know I truly appreciate everyone of you. Thank you so much. You are a very important person to ABATE of AZ. No matter if you give a little time or a lot, everything that helps the motorcyclist is a key roll in ABATE. For that, I am grateful to have you all be a part of ABATE of AZ.
Shirley Bizub"Moon Shine"State PresidentABATE of Arizona