April 2022

Well it is that time of the month again. I have procrastinated as long as possible and the warnings from our Editor Eric are coming fast and furious. Every month we have a deadline of the 15th to get all our articles into the Masterlink so he can edit and layout
the format etc. and still get it out in a timely manner.
Eric has been doing this so long and so very well that I don’t know if the general membership realizes all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes. Thank you Eric for all the hard work and long hours, The Masterlink is something you should be proud of because we are all proud of it and what you do.
It is not just the Masterlink but all the hard work and hours of time working on various projects that an organization like ours needs to be successful. At this time Too Broke for Sturgis is coming up FAST and as always we are asking that our membership step up to the plate and volunteer some of your time while you are up at TBFS to help with the various jobs that are so important at making this event a success. The TBFS committee has been
planning and working hard ever since last year’s event to get everything lined up, vendors lined up, bands booked, contracts approved etc.
etc. etc.. All the really hard stuff has been done by a great bunch of volunteers. NOW they need you. We need folks to help with everything from set up to tear down and everything in between. SO contact your Chapter officers and see who in your chapter is organizing the volunteer sign ups and volunteer a few hours for the good of all of us and ABATE of AZ. I look forward to seeing you there and maybe
working with you on something while we are there.
This past month I have had the pleasure of several of our relatives being in town escaping from the end of winter back in the Midwest. It is an annual thing; they finally had enough of
winter by around March 1st and come down to visit and thaw out. Their annual visit reminds me how very lucky we are to live here in Arizona where we have miles of wide open spaces and roadways. We can ride all year at least in most of the state. We can ride from desert to mountains, city to rural areas, all in a
few hours. Living in Tucson, in the winter we go from the desert up to Mount Lemmon and play in the snow. There are miles of off road trails for those who wish to ride in the dirt and plenty of historical routes like route 66 for
those who want to do that. Every year at TBFS there are several groups who run up to the Grand Canyon or to many of the other locations around the northern part of Arizona. We are blessed that we ride in relative freedom here in Arizona, but that freedom can disappear in a flash if we do not keep diligently watching
and fighting for our right to ride free. In order to keep up the good fight we need to work on increasing our numbers and talking to our fellow motorcyclists about getting involved. I challenge all the members around the state to each recruit one member to join our ranks. If
everyone in ABATE of Arizona signed up one new member a year our numbers would be staggering in no time and the powers that look to infringe on our right to ride free would cower when we speak.
Let us all, ABATE of Arizona members, try to
continue this positive momentum and do all we
can to help promote Motorcycle Rights and
Awareness and the benefits of membership in
ABATE of Arizona. There are many events
coming up in the next couple of months where
we can spread the “gospel” of our great organization. Think about whom you know or who
you may encounter while going about your
daily business or when you are out riding that
would be an asset to our organization. ASK
THEM to join! Many people say when asked
why they are not members, that they were
never asked. When you are attending Bike
Nights and other organization’s events and
runs, PLEASE wear your ABATE shirts and
paraphernalia. Let them know that you are an
ABATE member and that we are supporting
their event. We cannot expect other groups to
support our events if they do not realize that
we are supporting their event because we are
not advertizing who we are. Make sure that
every time you go to any of these functions
that you have several ABATE membership flyers with you so if someone expresses interest
in what we do you can leave them with the Information.
In closing I just want to encourage everyone to
keep up the good fight! Our efforts really do
pay off and our voices do get heard. It is a long
process so do not get discouraged if a bill does
not pass or if it feels like you are not getting
through, YOU ARE! Keep on writing those
emails and making those phone calls. It is not
only your right but I feel it is our obligation to
let our elected officials know how we feel and
that we are paying attention to what they are
doing. It is important that you know who your
elected officials are both here in Arizona and
also in Washington D.C. And it is also important that because of your efforts and calls etc.
that they learn who you are!
Remember always that we are not a just a
Jim ButsbackState PresidentABATE of Arizona